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Swimming is not good for you

The book that aroused amazement and interest in the medical-sports world. And not only.

Geyer, in his 1986 article, stated that, in thoracic scoliosis with a hump greater than 10 millimeters, swimming is harmful as the pressure of the water and forced breathing determine a mechanism defined as self-deforming.
This sport, therefore, does not "cure" scoliosis and is in some cases even contraindicated and certainly useless for the purpose of postural rebalancing since it is a mobilizing activity with a reduced gravitational load.
In summary, swimming excludes any postural reconstruction due to the impossibility of leveraging static and stable fixed points of reference and, mechanically, does not allow to control the twisting of the spine, the inevitable anti-versions of the pelvis and the equally inevitable vector forces. traction of the back muscles. Not even if swimming is called, as fashion dictates, "psychomotor swimming" (which, let's say by the way, does not exist).
The volume written by Rodolfo Lisi and Carmelo Giuffrida entitled (direct, perhaps provocative) "Swimming is not good",
  intends - once and for all - to dispel myths and taboos linked to an alleged therapeutic role of swimming in spinal pathologies. In recent years, he has in fact turned too often, and without scientifically motivating him, towards activity in the pool, indicating swimming as a "cure-all" for scoliosis.
On the other hand, swimming cannot be prescribed in the presence of scoliosis. It is not possible to create the illusion of its miraculous effectiveness since, like any other sporting activity, it is devoid of any re-educational-compensatory effect.
It is useful to immediately clarify the role of aquatic and swimming activities: which play a role of dubious validity. Unfortunately, swimming continues to be prescribed as an object of unjustified and counterproductive attention in the process of normalization of morphological-postural alterations and in the re-education of scoliosis.
The text shows the biomechanical reasons supporting the above assertion and only hinted at.

Authors: Rodolfo Lisi and Carmelo Giuffrida
  The White Clover , Latina, 2019
Price: € 11.90 instead of € 14 if you buy directly on the site

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