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Who is Prof. Lisi

After the Isef Diploma, the Degree in Motor Sciences and the Specialized Degree in Sciences and Techniques of Preventive and Adaptive Motor Activities, Rodolfo Lisi (Minturno, 1975) specialized in Posturology and Sports Culture and is a technical member of A.Na. M. (National Association of Massage Therapists, Hydrotherapists and Sports Operators).

Author of fourteen books (thirteen of which on tennis), Lisi is considered one of the leading Italian experts in the wide typology of injuries linked to the practice of the sport of rackets (by clicking on the "button" below you can download the complete curriculum vitae et studiorum) .

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Nicola Porro

"Thank you, Lisi, for making me understand that tennis can be a sociology.


Giorgio Cittadini

"Dear Dr. Lisi, You write with great clarity, with a solid knowledge of the Italian language (something that past experience convinced me to be not very common in our Anglophile country), and obviously with great competence on the topics dealt with. These are all fundamental elements to make oneself convincing and above all useful to the reader.


Paolo Bertolucci

"Rodolfo Lisi's publication deals with all aspects of tennis and, I am sure, will allow those who dedicate themselves to his practice, whether amateur or professional, to improve their level of play and, at the same time, to preserve the psycho-physical integrity.

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